Monday, February 9, 2009

We Must Plunge Into Experience and Then Reflect on the Meaning of It

Goethe said that. He was nothing if not a truth-talker. All reflection, and we go mad; all plunging and no reflection, we are mere brutes.

Lately, I've been seeing myself as more in the latter category. In a recent rare moment of reflection, I realized that I have lived in four cities in the past six years and I haven't been able to commit to a job for an all-too extended period. I've become somewhat of a gypsy, a rootless rolling stone. A brute chasing after experience without slowing for a moment to figure out what exactly it is I'm doing.

And I was cool with that until I found myself in need of a steady paycheck. There's nothing like a job interview to get me to consider how unstable and flighty I must seem to most, if not all, employers. I'd never been asked point-blank why I can't seem to connect to places, jobs, people, until today. I dodged the bullet by saying something about how I wanted to soak up experiences during my early twenties and now I'm ready to settle down. I felt uncomfortable as I heard the words coming out of my mouth. Not that I feel I was being disingenuous, because I really do think it's about time to consider the possibility of staying somewhere for a fucking second. I felt a little sad because I realized now is the time when I have to embark on the (probably painful) process of reflection, of letting things sink in, and of understanding what all these experiences could mean.

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